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Place de la comédie


If you look for a private acommodation for your stay in Montpellier, please have a look at the attached document at the bottom of this page.


IAE Montpellier can provide exchange students with a room in a public dormitory, subject to availabilities. These rooms are cheaper but sometimes less comfortable.

Public dormitories are managed by the CROUS, the French public institution for students services. Note that reservations are “packages”.

There are 3 periods of stay and payment:

1st of September to 15th of January


1st of September to 31st of May (for the full-year students)


16th of January to 31st of May

Example: you can indicate that you will stay from January 20th to April 25th but you will be required to pay the rents from January 16th to May 31st.

Note that at IAE courses end in March or April but you will have to pay for your room until May 31st.

Also, note that you will have to pay in advance for all the rents of the semester.

If you want to book a room you first have to fill in the box concerning accommodation in your Moveon Application Form.

Ms. Jessie CHIAVASSA (email: is in charge of the booking process. Please don’t contact the CROUS directly, they won’t reply.


Once you arrive, ask your residence if you are eligible for a housing allowance which will help you pay your rent (around 60€/month). It is called ALS and it is offered by the French Institution for familial affairs, the CAF. The demand is to be done online once arrived.
You will be asked to give the following documents :

  • Copy of the passport or ID
  • European Card of Health Insurance or proof of affiliation to the French Health insurance
  • Certificate of Enrolment at the IAE Montpellier
  • Certificate of honour written in French stating that you have the sufficient financial resources to live in France
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