Exchange students | IAE Montpellier

Exchange students

Etudiants en échange


You wish to enrol as an exchange student :

Before you start an application, please make sure that you have the right to come as an exchange student and that the dates of your stay in Montpellier will fit with the academic calendar of your home university. Students from our partners as part of the Erasmus+ program may attend IAE courses for either one or two semesters.Steps to apply to IAE as an exchange student :

1. Contact the International Relations Office of your school to see if you are eligible.

2. The International relations coordinator of your institution will officially nominate you to IAE.

3. You will receive a link to the MOVEON online platform. You will have to upload the requested documents and send the generated PDF to: iae-ri@umontpellier.fr

4. You will receive a letter of acceptance (only for non European students for their visa procedure).

5. The payment of your registration fees will be proceeded at your home university.

6. You will have to complete the enrolment process and a student card will be given to you upon your arrival at IAE.

7. At the end of your stay, you will have access to your transcript of records on the intranet.


Required level of French

Our programs taught in French require a good command of the French language, both spoken and written. A minimum of B2 (intermediate to advanced) level in French is required according to the CECR scale (Common European Framework of Reference for languages).

Required level of English

A level of B2 in English is required to attend our courses taught in English.


Please find the TikTok account of 4 of our international students who are giving tips for new comers:


They also wrote a book about it!

Succeeding Abroad: The International Student's Guide To Graduate Studies



Contact us
Ms Jessie CHIAVASSA - Head of IAE International Relations Office
IAE Montpellier - Université de Montpellier
Bâtiment 29 - Case Courrier 28
Place Eugène Bataillon
34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 - FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0) 4 67 14 49 59
Email : iae-ri@umontpellier.fr

Opening hours :

From Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Friday: 9:00AM to 12:30AM