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Internship agreement procedure



All internships must be subject to an agreement.
Without this agreement, your internship cannot be validated.
You cannot begin your internship with a company without an agreement.


You will be asked to provide several pieces of information to draft your agreement.

It is important that you contact your host organisation beforehand to obtain this information. 

You will be asked for the following information:

Concerning the host organisation:

  • Name of the host organisation (corporate name)
  • Address of the host organisation
  • First and last name, occupation and e-mail address of the person representing the host organisation (person signing the agreement)
  • APE code (only for French organisation)
  • SIRET number (only for French organisation)
  • Number of staff 
  • Legal status
  • Website
  • Description of the host organisation’s activities  

Concerning the internship:

  • Internship start date
  • Internship end date
  • Dates of any breaks in internship (if applicable)
  • Name and address of the host department or service  
  • Number of authorised days of annual leave (if applicable)  
  • Bonus payment amount (mandatory bonus of 4.35€/hr for all internships exceeding 308 hours of presence)
  • List of in-kind benefits (if applicable)
  • First and last name, occupation and email address of tutor with the host organisation (who also signs the agreement)
  • First and last name of the contact tutor (IAE tutor)
  • Internship theme
  • Internship subject
  • Duties and tasks


To create your agreement, you must complete the following steps:

Step 1

Connect up to the University’s digital workplace (ENT) > click on Scolarité > then click on PSTAGE

Step 2

Click on Conventions de stage, then Créer une convention



Step 3

Follow the differents steps.

Once you have completed your agreement, click on Créer (Create) to confirm and save your agreement.

You cannot print out your agreement. It must first be validated by your IAE tutor (“enseignant referent”) who will receive an automatic email from Pstage to validate your agreement.

Once your IAE tutor has validated your agreement, the agreement application system will send you a message to inform you.

At this moment, please contact the Corporate Relations and Internships Department ( so that your agreement can be signed by IAE.  

Your internship agreement must be signed by each of the three parties (host organisation, student and IAE).  

Your internship will only be administratively validated when one copy of the agreement signed by the three parties has been received by the Corporate Relations and Internships Department.

Corporate Relations Coordinator
icone-tel 04 67 14 47 22
Sophie MOSER
Project manager
Entrepreneurship, Alumni Relations
Continuing Education
icone-tel 04 67 14 42 16
Responsible for development
Corporate relations
icone-tel (+33)7 75 22 90 24
Dyenaba BA
Project manager Entrepreneurship


Pour plus d’information, consultez le Guide Utilisateur Pstage