National Education and Occupations Office (ONISEP)
Are you looking for a course in France to prepare you for a career?
The National Education and Careers Office website has all the education and careers information you need.
You can find it here: ONISEP.
All Montpellier University students can access SCUIO‐IP. Its main aim is to offer career- and job-related support and information.
Do you need advice on your career or study path?
A team of information and advice officers, documentation managers and psychologist/career advisers is here to:
- help you make decisions about your future studies and career (career direction, change of path, internship or further study), either during an appointment with a psychologist/careers adviser or at a group session (workshop or module);
- support you individually in finding the information and documentation you need.
Montpellier Nord site:
Campus Triolet Bdg. 8 - University Library, Ground Floor
Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 14 30 61